What's new in BirdData: Version 3.04 March 10995 -Fixed bug that would crash the program if editing was done to clutch records on more than 12 pair records per session. -Fixed bug that would damage pair record info when a pair was deleted -Fixed bug that saved record sizes when a record was minimized, causing the next records to open icon-sized. Version 3.03 January 1995 -Fixed bug in selection dialog used for a variety of program functions. Dialog could be minimized by the user, and from that point on would be unusable - even in future sessions. Version 3.02 January 1995 -Fixed bug that caused conversion program for version 2.x files to fail if there were more than 11 pet records. -Changed Pair function to always display one clutch if none exist. This eliminates possibility of user putting egg data into a non-existent clutch. Version 3.01 December 1994 -Fixed bug that prevented printing of individual bird records. Version 3.0 December 1994 -Complete new interface with Multiple Documents, menus, and double icon bar. -New file structure that makes errors less likely and allows larger amounts of data to be maintained per bird or pair. -Some fancier features such as picture display removed to reduce file size, both for distribution and the amount of memory consumed by the running program. -Number of categories no longer limited to 10. Number displayed as icons depends on user's screen resolution, but a larger number is possible by list. -Date structure is now internationalized, which means that the program will use whatever date structure is set in Windows Control Panel - DDMMYY or MMDDYYYY or other combinations. Version 2.21 October 1993 -Added sequential number column to indexes; makes it easier to see how many birds are listed. -Added ability to put a custom caption on the search results. Access this ability through the Screen Fonts section of the toolbox menu. Version 2.2 August 1993 -Fixed bug that caused data to not appear in some columns (unregistered version only) -Fixed bug that would cause division by zero error when attempting to chart a bird with no weight data entered. -Recompiled to run under VBRUN300 - minor error improvement. -Added ability to display pictures of babies/pairs/pets -Fixed bug that destroyed proper format when printing pair and pet records. -Added option to "Repeat last entry" when adding new babies. -Added ability to sort category index by Description, Hatchdate, or Band Number. -Added ability to move records in a category/pair/pet index (left button drag and drop). -Added ability to move comments in pair and pet records (left button drag and drop). -Fixed pair and pet comments so that double-clicking the last line in the comment field would not require entering a date (helpful when entering multi-line comments). Version 2.11 March 1993 -Fixed bug that would not allow printer font to be selected. -Added a calendar for date selection/changing. Version 2.1 December 1992 -Recompiled to run under VBRUN200 - major speed increase. Version 2.0 August 1992 -First release of shareware BirdData for Windows 3.1, compiled under VBRUN100. Version 1.xx 1985-1992 -Various custom DOS versions primarily for author's own use. Includes a beta Windows 1.0 that was never officially released.